Tuesday, February 01, 2011


After years never touching this blog...now I'm back again!!!!
We've been through a tough, winding, and rocky road last year and hopely this year will be much..much better.
May Allah always shower us (my family and your's.. guys) with His blessings...and always under His protection.
My dearest husband, DAENG, is doing his doctoral program (may Allah always be with him and guided him during and after his study, amienn). My lovely, son Rae is in grade 9 and will have his National Exam pretty soon (May Allah bless him and memberikan kemudahan dan kesehatan dalam menjalani dan menjawab his final exam, amien). My lovely yougest son, Atillah, is in grade 4 and doesnt enjoy his class since his friends and teachers never appreciate his intellect (hahaha...that's what he said!). Me, myself, just doing common things, like any common moms and wives and lectures, hehehe.